04 左邻右舍
  04 左邻右舍
  a new neighbor moves in yesterday. susan decides to visit her today.
  susan: hi, i'm your neighbor. my name is susan.
  julie: hi, susan. i'm julie. nice to meet you.
  susan: nice to meet you, too.
  julie: please come in. i just moved into the neighborhood yesterday.
  susan: welcome to the neighborhood. i didn't realize that this house was bought so quickly. my last neighbor moved out a short time ago.
  julie: i saw the house and just fell in love with it. it was impossible to pass up.
  susan: i'm living next door, if you need any help or anything, please come to me.
  julie: that's good. it's so kind of you. by the way, is there any supermarket in our neighborhood?
  susan: of course. there is a large shopping plaza near the neighborhood. i just need to buy something, so we can go together.
  julie: great! let's go.
  1. move out 搬出
  2. a short time ago 不久以前
  3. pass up 放过(机会);放弃;拒绝
  4. next door 隔壁;在隔壁
  5. neighborhood [?neib?hud] n. 四邻,街坊;邻近地区,附近
  6. shopping plaza 商场,购物广场
  1. host a party
  2. spark up a conversation frequently
  3. organize a block party
  4. generous in giving help
  5. do not make loud noise
  6. do not haggle over every ounce
  jerry's new neighbors often hold a party in their house and often play to the late night.jerry suffers a lot.
  karl: hey, jerry. how do you get along with your new neighbors recently?
  jerry: don't mention it. they play music really really loud from early in the morning to late at night. last night they had their music turned on so loud that i finally just flipped out and yelled at them.
  karl: why can't you talk with them in a placid mood? they probably aren't even aware that they are causing problems to their neighbors.
  jerry: i have before. but they didn't care about that. they said they were crazy about music, and that no one could stop them chasing dreams. i really don't like to complain to my neighbor, but it was so loud that my windows were shaking.
  karl: i can understand your sufferings.
  jerry: i couldn't sleep with the noise, and i suffer from migraines recently. i really don't know what i should do. if this continues, i have to call the police.
  1. turn on 打开,发动;取决于;使兴奋
  2. flip ou 精神错乱,发疯
  3. yell [jel] v. / n. 大叫,大喊
  4. in a placid mood 心平气和
  5. placid ['pl?sid] adj. 平静的,宁静的;温和的
  6. chase [t?eis] v. / n. 追捕;追求;争取;驱逐;狩猎
  7. suffering ['s?f?ri?] n. 痛苦,受难
  8. migraine ['maigrein] n. 偏头疼
  how to get along with the unlovely neighbors?
  home is your sanctuary. how you get along with your neighbors really plays a large part in your health wellbeing and happiness. then how to deal with those unlovely neighbors? if your neighbor often plays music and holds a party until the late night, how to ask him not to? you can bring it up to your neighbors' attention and they will be more than happy to reduce the trouble to you. you could say something like “i'm really a light sleeper or i suffer from migraines. can you help me out by turning down the music during those evening hours?” or you may come up with a compromise that works for both of you.
  sue is preparing a birthday party for her husband. her neighbor katherine comes to drop in her.
  sue: oh, katherine. please come in. i'm sorry. here is a fearful mess!
  katherine: sue, what are you doing now?
  sue: today is my husband's birthday. i want to give him a surprise, so i must get everything ready before he gets home. i'm sorry for having no time to entertain you.
  katherine: never mind. what can i do to help you out?
  sue: that's very kind of you. can you give me a hand to pass me those balloons?
  katherine: no problem. here you are.
  sue: thank you. you do me a big favor.
  katherine: that was a cake walk. it's nothing to speak of.
  1. fearful ['fi?f?l] adj.担心的;可怕的;非常的
  2. entertain [?ent?'tein] v. 娱乐,使有兴趣;招待;考虑;抱有;容纳
  3. balloon [b?'lu:n] n. 气球,球状物;v. 使膨胀
  4. a cake walk 很容易的事
  1. water afar can't quench fire, and a good neighbor is better than a brother far off.
  2. neighbors ought to respect one another.
  3. would you like our assistance with a move?
  4. could i have a ride to my company?
  5. when my mother fell in a faint in the neighborhood, it's our neighbor who sent her to hospital immediately.
  6. we should live in peace and keep fair with our neighbors.
  7. love your neighbors as yourself.
  tom's mower is out of work. he wants to borrow one from his neighbor maggie.
  tom: hello, is there anyone in the room?
  maggie: yes. oh, tom, can i be of any help to you?
  tom: my lawn mower is out of order. could i borrow yours?
  maggie: of course. please just wait for a short moment. it's in our storage. here you are.
  tom: thank you. i'll give it back as soon as i finish mowing the lawn in my garden.
  maggie: take your time.
  (an hour later)
  tom: thanks to your mower, my garden looks tidier and more beautiful now. thank you. here is your mower.
  maggie: my pleasure.
  tom: oh, i do not want to intrude since you are so busy. bye-bye.
  maggie: bye-bye.
  1. lawn [l?:n] n. 草坪,草地;n. 上等细麻布
  2. mower ['m?u?] n. 割草机;割草人
  3. out of order 无次序的,混乱的;有毛病的,出故障的
  4. storage ['st?:rid?] n. 保管,贮藏;仓库;保管费;lt;计gt;存储器
  5. take your time 从容做,不慌不忙
  6. intrude [in'tru:d] v. 闯入,侵入;打扰;干涉
  当你向别人借钱时可以说 can i bum some money off you? 或者 could you oblige me with some money? may i borrow a little mean green?(借给我点钱,好吗?)如果你不想借给别人钱,但又不好意思拒绝,可以说 i think i can swing that.(我想我应该能借给你一些吧。)如果你不想借给别人钱,可以说 i'm flat broke. i have neither cross nor pile. i have not a penny.(我身无分文)。